The Victorian Era is the main inspiration of Lolitas. It spanned from late 18th Century to 19th Century. It's impact on fashion, industry and sensibility have impacted the modern world.
There were so many things happening in the Victorian Era. For one thing, England has another female monarch, Queen Victoria. It was also in this era where classes were rising all over Europe and the starting American states. Classes were no longer divided between nobility and commoners. Thanks to the industrialization sweeping the world, there were rich versus poor and more so, a new class rose, the middle class. Through the middle class, another class was given birth, the Intellectuals. Even here in the Philippines, we were touched by this Victorianism of Enlightened Thinkers. Our very propagandists were part of this. They were not tiled yet they had resources to rise above their "common" status. They dressed like the Spanish oppressors and even went as far as to study and dabble into arts.
There was a battle of styles and wealth. By this time, a good portion of the world is conquered. Europe had taken it's lion share of colonies. Wealth from all over the world poured into the great cities. Orientalism rose.
Many things in the Victorian Era was radical and exploratory. Gothic literature rose and blossomed. It became more defined and highly romanticized. Romance had a different outlook. Since many of the Victorian people married for wealth and title, they expressed their love through art and literature. Queen Victorian might have married for love but her subjects did not. By this time, most of the nobilities were in debt and penniless. The rising rich untitled people had what they needed. The title nobility had only two options, to marry within the family or to marry out of the class. This theme recurs in Gothic Literature. There is always a contrast that is not seen with the eye but with the mind.
Even through the upheavals and revolutions, Victorians are very conservative and traditional. They tried to hang on to the nostalgic details of the century and it carried to the next. There were things that must be made a certain way, clothing worn a certain occasions and ways to act in certain eras. For Example, they had a certain mode of clothing for the Ascots (Horse Race). The theater was another thing, they had to be their grandest especially on opening night. Unmarried women had to wear bonnets and wimples but married women were allowed to have their hair loose. Men enjoyed a freer lifestyle but they were expected to run businesses that should support his families lifestyle.
Well, readers, I'd like to go in depth on the Victorian Era but ti might take ten pages. I hope what I typed is informative. I try to incorporate what's happening in our history as much as possible. until next time.
You may also suggest topics and I could research into it.
Thank you for reading.